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06 November 2005


(Warning! To your right, you will read my ramblings about the “what if’s”. To your left, you will read my ramblings about the “what might have been’s”. Do not read if you don’t care about other people’s regrets. You have been forewarned. Thank you and have a nice day.)

You ever have the feeling that you might be good at something if you just knew what you were doing?

In search of something to do, hubby and I watched the dance scenes from the movie Center Stage (it’s about ballet). I love to watch dancing, especially ballet. It’s more than just moving gracefully; you also have to be strong and have endurance, among other things (as I’m sure Athene could attest to). It’s amazing what some people can do with their bodies.

My sister and I never had any lessons as kids (neither did our brothers). We never took dance lessons, swimming lessons, singing lessons, karate lessons, or anything like that. I would have loved to take a dance class when I was younger. Lar says she wants her girls to take dance lessons. Mira and I know we want our kids to learn how to do things like dance, art, music, sports, etc. Even if they don’t totally get into it, we’d like for them to have a basic knowledge of how to do things like that.

I’m not very coordinated. Just watch the video of my senior year production of Fame. I can’t tell you how often I was at least a half second behind everybody else, and it wasn’t just nerves. [So why did I try out (and become an extra)? Because I did the musical the previous year (Groovy), and it was really fun, plus the dancing was easy (what do you expect for a dinky junior high-type musical?). Turns out Fame was not just a step higher, it was a complete leap higher (a grand jeté, if you will), and that included the dancing.] What they were thinking when they cast me, I don’t know.

Maybe in another life (if I had one), I was a dancer, and I wasn’t supposed to bring that talent with me into this one. Who knows? All I know is that I suck at it. I’d like to take a dance class some semester. Maybe I’ll take a ballet class to see what I think. After all, one of the best ways to know, is to try.

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