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21 February 2004

Let's Partay!

We surprised Jess with a party on Friday, and we had a blast! It's the best we've had so far. Unfortunately, I was the only one there who didn't have their partner with them. All the girls in the group brought their guys, except me. But that's ok, I'm married. ^_^

Anyway, we all had a good time. My niece just about gave us away. She started making noise about the time that Jess walked in the front door. Thankfully, she didn't notice. There was lotsa food (a sandwich ring, a veggie tray, a cheese tray, cake, and chips and dip, not to mention all the drinkage (to borrow a phrase from Von). I was so stuffed! I got her Blazing Saddleson DVD, Von gave her a bracelet to ward off evil, and Laura got her The Princess Bride on DVD. Moueska (who, it turns out, also likes Homestar Runner) went out with Jess on Thursday night and she got three movies she wanted. Jess' mom had been planning the party for a couple of months, and was proud to announce that she had gotten rid of her other kids for the night. Way to go, mom! We had fun with Bookie, too (my niece). We tied a balloon around her wrist and used it to track her for a few minutes. We need parties like that more often. ^_^

I got to see my fam today. Mom made her famous lasagna and my hubby came over to eat with us. Jess was having another party at her boyfriend's house tonight, but he lives in Eureka, and I have to teach kids tomorrow. Have a great time, guys! Speaking of which, could somebody point me toward the shower?

19 February 2004

Jess's Birthday!

Happy 20th birthday Jess! My little girl's all growed up! *sniff* ^_^

Oh it was such a beautiful day today! We had the windows rolled down and the moon roof open all the way home. Hopefully it stays this way for a while. (Yeah, right. In St. Louis? We'll probably have 3 feet of snow tomorrow.)

Weekend, here we come!

18 February 2004

Come On, Fhqwhgads

It's been almost two weeks already? Goodness.

Not a whole lot has happened in the past two weeks. Just doing homework and studying and all that stuff. Wait, there was something interesting. I talked to Ry, the guy I dated before I met my hubby. He was going to leave in March, but he "ripped all the ligaments on [his] left malleoulus and caused severe muscle tearing on the bilateral side of [his] dorsal pedia which caused severe contusions and ecchmysis to climb [his] leg". In other words, a "type 3 sprain worse than a fracture its also known as high ankle sprain". I got a cookie for correctly guessing it. ^_^ So it'll probably be a while before he leaves.

Valentine's Day was pretty neat. We got our teeth cleaned, for one thing. How exciting.... We tried going to the Science Center, but it turns out that they closed at 4:30. So we went to a Subway near there and ate lunch/dinner, then visited my folks for a few minutes. We also got a movie that he had been looking for for a long time, Good Burger. It's pretty good! Anybody who's seen All That on Nickelodeon a few years back will probably remember that. We're looking for the soundtrack (original cast recording) for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, but have been unable to find it anywhere but the net. If somebody stumbles upon it at a store, let me know.

I saw a movie on WE today that I had not seen in a looong time: Love At First Bite! I absolutely love that movie! It's about Dracula, who moves to New York City to persue a supermodel that he's in love with. It's hilarious! The actor is George Hamilton, the guy who does the Ritz toasted chip/cracker commercials. He was in another movie that I love, Zorro, The Gay Blade. Don't ask! It's just one of those movies you have to see for yourself.

See y'all later!

05 February 2004

Half day!

We had a half day today because of the impending weather. All STLCC campuses closed at 12:30 today. I got to miss my history class. ^_^ We had gotten out of my math class half an hour early, so that left me with 45 minutes to kill. The class that meets before mine was cancelled, so I went in to sit down. About five minutes later, a lady opens the door and asks if I'm waiting for a class. Mine started at 12:30, and I told her that. Then she says that the campus was closing at 12:30, so I could go home. That made my day! So we got home an hour and a half early.

A few updates. JR was sworn in as a member of the National Guard late last month. Congrats to him! He leaves in early June for bootcamp. Also, in talking to a friend of Ryan's (the guy I dated before I met my husband), I found out that he will be going to Afghanistan in March and will be there until June of next year. Good luck, Ry!

Lar's Maid of Honor and bridesmaids have the greatest dresses! The bridesmaids will be in the peri, and Von will be in navy. I'd put up Lar's dress, but there's the whole "The groom shouldn't see the bride in her dress until the wedding" bit. True, he probably wouldn't be caught dead reading his future SIL's blog, but you never know.

Anyway, I have homework to do. But first, a nap. I found out that one of the cartoon channels shows Garfield and Friends at two a.m. Wooo!