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26 August 2005


According to The Movie Insider, there is a remake of Mad Monster Party in the works, but they have about as much info as IMDb did, so we'll still have to wait. As long as they don't screw it up, then I'll be interested in seeing it.

I finally went and got my permit renewed this week, so the practice should begin soon. Everybody be on the look out for a young woman driving at old lady speed! ^_^

What a day today has been so far. Mira and I were up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so we decided to get up and watch the sun rise together. So we got up, grabed a quick bite to eat and some towels, and headed off to the White House Retreat, not far from us. There's a wonderful view of the river there, and it's very peaceful. Unfortunately it was pretty foggy this morning, so we didn't see the sun, but it was a beautiul morning and we did get to spend some time together.

We needed to get some stuff at Walgreens, so we headed there as well. I had been thinking about getting an electric shaver, and finally did that. That being said, it's time for a product review! I bought the Remington Smooth & Silky (model WDF-1100), but thought I'd better check some reviews before I opened it. I found four, and they were half and half, so I figured I'd better see for myself. It has a money-back guarantee, so I could take it back if I didn't like it.

I hadn't shaved in almost two weeks, so I had hair about 1/4 inch long (I know, eww). It has a pop-up trimmer, so I used that first. It can be used wet or dry, so I used it dry. I might try it wet later.
I got the hairs trimmed so that it felt like day-old stubble. So far so good. The foils made quick work on the stubble, and it turned out smooth. There were a few spots that had pant leg creases, so they didn't get totally smoothed out, but all in all, my legs are pretty smooth. I recommend it.

Have a good weeekend!

25 August 2005

Oh my crap!

I was being nosy and looked at Amazon to see if they'd have the soundtrack for Mad Monster Party. Well, they did, which is awesome. Then somebody said something about the DVD. Could it be? Yes, it's true! They had it at Amazon! If I could get the two of them together, that would make this year's Halloween complete! I'll have to see if Johnnie Brock's has them there. Oh what happiness if they did!

IMDb has a listing for a movie by the same name scheduled to come out in 2006, but there's not a whole lot of info on it. Matter of fact, they have names of writers, but that's about it. No idea if it's a remake or something entirely different. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

24 August 2005

Hollywood mourns the loss of...

Brock Peters, best known for his role of Tom Robinson in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird, who passed away yesterday at the age of 78 due to pancreatic cancer.
My condolences go to his family and friends during this difficult time.

16 August 2005

Then again, maybe not...

I thought that the new rule for renewals and such was an either/or type of thing. I knew I needed proofs of ID, but I thought that you could use either the proof of lawful residence or the proof of identity or the proof of residence. The lady asked me if I had my birth certificate, which I didn't per reason above, so I couldn't get my permit renewed. I guess that's what I get for waiting until the day before it expires to have it renewed. I did have my SS card with me, but fat lot of good that did me. Thank goodness I have to do the lawful residence and identity thing only once. The residence, however, will need to be presented with every renewal. Ick.

But I did get something done today. I got my TB test done, will get the results on Thursday, and will get an appointment made for that physical I need for work. Turns out that I can go to the chiropractic office that Mira goes to for my physical. How cool is that?

15 August 2005


I heard the first commercial of the Halloween season earlier this evening. Haunted houses open next month, and they're rolling the commercials out already.
Happy Scary Season! ^_^
That's it!

Tomorrow I go to get my permit renewed for the last time. I fully intend to not slack off this time around, and hopefully I can get my license by my next birthday. That gives me less than seven months. Hopefully by then I won't be chicken anymore...