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29 August 2004

Recent news: Good, Bad, and In between

Good news! Von (a.k.a. D'arcy) has announced her engagement to her Drew this week over at Mental Babblings! No date has been set as of yet, but I am excited to see life going so well for her. Congrats, sweetie!

Bad news. Former Conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Hans Vonk passed away today. He was 63. I read it at this evening. Quoting the paper: "Maestro Vonk conducted his last performances with the Symphony on May 3 and 4, 2002, Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major". My senior year in high school, I went with the Music Club to see him conduct the SLSO in Beethoven's 5th symphony, along with a few other numbers. My condolences go to his family at this time.

As for in between, school started last week for me, as well as for others. It's not too bad, I guess. Voice is pretty neat, my teacher's nice, so that's ok. Comp II is ok. It focuses on argument; that might be a good asset to life.

More as it develops, I guess. Better get started on those voice exercizes. Mi, me, ma, mo, mu...

23 August 2004

Good enough!

Mira was able to give me the old video card that I had before, then reinstall everything, and now I'm up and running again. Woo! Color me happy. ^_^

Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a while.
First off, my classes start tomorrow for me, and one of them is writing intensive. Speaking of which, I need to find my backpack... Sheesh.
The other reason is pretty major. Our computers are all screwed up! Mira thought his video card was busted, so he used mine and I used an older one. Well, that wasn't the problem so we switched back. Then we both started having trouble with the drivers! That, and he thinks he might need either another motherboard for his, or to replace the computer and casing entirely! Our computers will work for just a little bit, then the screen fuzzes up or something equally aggravating happens. We plan on reformatting later today to see if that helps.
So if you don't see me on messenger or see any posts for a while, you have an idea why.

17 August 2004

It's about time!

Since Mira's probably not going to be better by next Tuesday when school starts, he's going to have to drop his classes. That means that for a while, I'm going to have to get my MIL to drop me off and pick me up until I get my license. Yep, I'm finally buckling down and learning how to drive. My FIL ensures me that I will get a lot of time learning, and when I'm finally official, then I can use his red automatic egg, instead of our teal manual egg.
This means that I have to go renew my permit, which actually expired a couple months ago. Thankfully, I called the license office this afternoon, and they said that I could still renew it without having to retake the test. *whew* That's good. So, hopefully I'll be street legal by the end of the year. Wish me luck, folks!

10 August 2004

Movie Excitement!

I am so excited to see this rolling along! If anybody has not heard about the remake of C.S. Lewis's children's classic The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, you've been missing out! In 1988, film versions of four of the Chronicles of Narnia were turned into TV movies, the kind you see on PBS. The remake of the first movie is due out in 2005. Feel free to browse the two links below!
The Official Website

Guess what we bought! I've been waiting for this! Garfield and Friends, Volume 1 @ Wal*Mart for $25!
24 episodes of Garfield/US Acres goodness on three discs! And more are coming soon! A d'yay! D'woo! ^_^ (OK, composing myself...)

Also, there has been a death in Hollywood. Fay Wray, the legendary damsel in distress, famous for her role as Ann Darrow in screen classic King Kong, has passed away at the ripe old age of 96. Condolences to her family at this time.

02 August 2004


Another funny website! A parody of "This Land" by Woody Guthrie, starring Bush & Kerry.
(*Note: For those concerned with language, there is some here and there, but not too much. Hey, you never know who'll stumble onto this website...)

Sorry I haven't said a whole lot recently. Here's what's happened lately:
Von turned 20 on 25 July! Congrats, sweetie!
Moueska has moved! She's now far far away... *sniff* Well, not too far. Maybe a good half hour away... But still!
Lar is moving in with her in-laws this next week, and JR comes home Thursday. Good luck!
My nephew gets married on Saturday! Woo!
Went on a trip with my family to Nauvoo. We had a nice suite! Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a full kitchenette!
Mira (M's new nickname for blog purposes) & I are getting up early and going to bed early now to a) get ready for school, and b) because he needs to. It helps him feel a bit better, which is great.

That's probably about it. Oh, I was notified that all the links from my previous post were somehow all linked back to my homepage. Sucks! Just go to and look under "TV & Movies" for the Evil Overlord link. There's subsections there to scrounge through. Have fun!