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04 October 2004

A few announcements

Happy birthday to my good friend Mel! She turns 21 today, and is now a full-fledged adult! Welcome to the club, girlie. ^_^

Hollywood mourns a loss today. Janet Leigh, known for the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 thriller Psycho, passed on yesterday as a result of vasculitis (inflammmation of the blood vessels). She was 77. (Did you know that one of her two daughters is Jamie Lee Curtis? I didn't until today. If you look at a recent picture of Janet, you can kinda tell. Well, I can.)

On the radio: "So Far Away" by Staind


Moueska said...

I refuse to send birthday greetings to someone who apparently never was my friend.

In the meantime, it's really awful when an american Icon is ripped from our reality. We greive the loss of the actress from Psycho (which I have never seen).

Athene said...

Mel, talk to us, please! What did we do to offend you?? That's the only true excuse anyone can have for cutting a friendship off so completely. Jess may have been devasted, but I have to say that I was just about as much of not doubly so.

Jess said...

We miss you, Mel. If you read this, please talk to us again. We won't ask for more than you can give.