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22 October 2005

Rambling on about nothing in particular...

I was snooping around online to see if I could find a picture of one of my favorite shirts. It's got that little cat that Pepe Le Pew's always chasing after, with a caption that says, "Paws off". I didn't know she had a name until I found one site with a design that was close, but not exactly the same. Her name is Pussyfoot. I had no clue.

I've been looking for ideas on what to add to my Halloween costume. I was hoping that I could find any information about the dress I bought at the Renfaire, but the closest I could find was a 16th century dress that had the same basic idea to it that mine did. The difference is the pattern (celestial v. fleur de lis), the neckline (V-necked v. square), and the back if my dress does not tie like this one does. I have a blue "peasant" blouse I can wear, and I guess I can borrow the bodice/corset thing that came with my mom's tavern wench costume she wore last year. I'll probably just put my hair in a braid, and wear sandals or something. This costume is going to be just like the ones I've worn in the past: mediocre. Oh well. Maybe at next year's Renfaire I'll get some more garb and do this again next year...

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