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17 June 2004

More Than $2 Billion to Public Education & Missouri!

So how much does my school district get out of it? A quarter?
Really now, I wonder why they make all the hoopla out of how great gambling is and how the community benefits from it. If it's true that some of the money that comes from gambling goes to the schools, then why did my school district have to keep passing bond issues to get money to advance technologically? I see it in other districts around me as well. "Thanks for passing Propositon P"! "Prop B passed! Way to go !" "Thank you voters for passing Proposition T!" I mean really. I don't see any benfits to the casinos in my community. Yeah, there's more jobs, that's true. But that's probably about it. Then there's litter on the streets from losing tickets, people who lost hundreds of dollars trying to win thousands; some people are lucky enough to win, and even that comes at a price.
I think that besides the increase in jobs, the only thing worth going to a casino for is $5 steak and lobster dinners. Oh yeah...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard someone on NPR talking about the effects of gambling on an area, once. He said that for the area to see any gains from gambling, something like 80% of the people who were gambling needed to come from outside the area, otherwise the casino was just taking money from the same people they were supposed to be helping. I don't remember the exact figures, though. Sorry.
