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06 March 2006


I had a great week before my birthday, so I told Mira that he didn't need to get me anything. We were able to go to the mall on Monday, eat pizza and ice cream, and I bought some new shirts. We also went out Thursday and I got some new shoes. Could you believe that we checked out seven or so different stores in the mall and couldn't find a simple pair of black pumps? WalMart had 'em though! We also visited with my folks on Friday, and my mom gave me the Corpse Bride DVD for my birthday. Yay!

Mira was able to go out because he started drinking distilled water and has been using baking soda instead of toothpaste. He read that fluoride can cause fibro-like symptoms, so we've stopped using as much as we can and he's been feeling better! He's not totally well, but he's getting there. We also noticed that my lactose intolerance symptoms weren't as apparent when using distilled water, so I'm gonna have to test it out sometime. Woo!

Now for some fun. In January, I posted a site called Aria, a website dedicated to Phantom of the Opera fanfics. I found another one this morning that was just too freakin' hilarious to pass up! If you like Phantom of the Opera, and you like Young Frankenstein, this'll rock your socks off!

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