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22 November 2004

Another fun "Getting to know you" form

I saw this over at Breka's blog. I think these are fun and help your audience to get to know you better, even though most of my audience knows who I am. Oh well. ^_^

Q: What color is most reflective of you?
A: You know, I'm not sure. Maybe green...?

Q: How did you get the idea for your diary name?
A: T is my nickname, and this blog focuses on me and what I say, think, etc.

Q: What time were you born?
A: 9:02 a.m.

Q: What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
A: I'm playing Hey Ya! by Outkast on LaunchRadio

Q: Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
A: Nope.

Q: What color underwear are you wearing?
A: Who wants to know?

Q: Do you want a baby?
A: Eventually. Mira and I aren't ready for one yet.

Q: What does your mom do for a living?
A: She works for AT&T.

Q: What does your dad do for a living?
A: He works for Saint Louis Music, Co.

Q: What is your pet's name?
A: A hammy named Popcorn, and a bunch of nameless fish.

Q: What color are your bedsheets?
A: Navy blue. It goes with our quilt.

Q: What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?
A: Which phone number, my home or cell? 156 or 013?

Q: What was the last concert you attended?
A: Josh Groban this year. It was such a great concert!

Q: Who was with you?
A: My mom, my MIL, Lar, and her MIL.

Q: What was the last movie you saw?
A: Boys and Girls with Claire Forlani and Freddie Prinze Jr. It was on FX this morning.

Q: Who do you dislike most at this moment?
A: Nobody, really.

Q: What food are you craving right now?
A: Chocolate! I always crave it, even when I'm eating it.

Q: Did you dream last night?
A: I don't think so. But I had a weird dream Saturday night...

Q: What was the last tv show you watched?
A: I don't remember. Probably Fear Factor.

Q: What is your fave piece of jewelry?
A: My wedding ring. ^_^

Q: What is to the left of you?
A: Lotsa stuff: papers, the printer, the phone, a card from Mira, a Post-it pad, my cell and it's charger, a candle, a flashlight, a book, a pen, my hair pick, an old contact case, a nail file, and a Tupperware box filled with electronic-type stuff. (See, told ya!)

Q: What was the last thing you ate?
A: A sandwich, with turkey and cheese.

Q: Who last imed you?
A: Breka, actually. This past weekend.

Q: Where is your signifigant other right now?
A: Playing Ratchet & Clank in the living room.

Q: Do you have a crush?
A: Um, how 'bout a husband?

Q: What shampoo do you use?
A: Currently, Dove.

Q: When was the last time you cut your hair?
A: Don't remember when...

Q: Are you on any meds?
A: Nope, but a few vitamins, supplements, etc.

Q: Do you have a mental disease?
A: Just occasional blonde moments.

Q: What shirt are you wearing?
A: A green 3/4 sleeve.

Q: What time is it?
A: 6:09 p.m.

Q: What is your fave frozen treat?
A: Ice cream, preferably with chocolate in there somewhere.

Q: Are you sexy?
A: Mira thinks I am, and I have an even 8 at, so I guess so.

Q: What's your favorite shopping store?
A: Can't beat Wal*Mart.

Q: Are you thirsty?
A: Very. Excuse me for a minute...

Q: Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
A: I've been living it for a year and eight months. ^_^

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