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31 October 2004

Happy Halloween!

Friday night I went to a Halloween party at church. I was dressed all in black, so Mira dressed all in blue and we went as a bruise. ^_^ Saturday night, I went with my folks to their church Halloween party, and I went as "Cat" Ballou. I know, you're thinking, "What? I don't get it..." Well, I was just going to wear all black again, but my mom suggested I use a tail and ears she had and go as a cat. When I went to get the gear, I saw my dad's black cowboy hat, and that's when the inspiration struck! I also wore one of dad's belts (it was huge!) with a holster and a fake pistol. See, there was a movie made in 1965 called Cat Ballou, and it was about a gal whose father is murdered and she seeks revenge, all with two "minstrels" (Stubby Kay and Nat 'King' Cole) singing a ballad about her. I've never seen all of it, but my dad and Von's mom(who was there on Saturday) assure me that it's a funny movie, so I'll take their word for it. I was going to go to Lar's this evening, but I felt very nervous and unsure anytime I thought about going. (I'm sorry I didn't come, sis!) Most likely, nothing bad will have happened since I didn't go, but you can never be too careful. Hope everybody has (had) a good time!


Jess said...

Why did you feel odd about going? It was a fun party.

T said...

You know, I'm still not sure. Ever have that happen, when you think that if you go to something, that something will happen, but nothing does when you stay home? I hate that. That's what happened. Oh well.