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14 July 2004

Relief in sight?

My FIL may have something that can make my husby feel better. He wrote out a prescription for a muscle relaxant for him. He took it last night and was totally out of pain! He was a bit nauseous this morning and slightly dizzy (side effects), which prompted him to get up about nine this morning. He was only nauseous for a bit though; as the morning wore on, he began to feel better. He took another one this morning to see how that would affect him. So far, he seems to be okay. It lasted him a good twelve hours or so. I rubbed his back last night before we went to bed, and his left shoulder was just a field of knots. This morning, nothing. No knots! I was a bit worried though. My dad had problems when he went off of vellum (needed it for some pain he was having), and I was worried that this might happen with M. He said not to worry, that he would be okay. I trust him.

Popcorn has just been having the time of his life recently. We got him one of those run around balls, and we put him in there and let him run around during dinner, sometimes even lunch or something. He likes it, but always wants to get into corners, especially in my miles office/sewing room, where he hides behind the sewing cabinet. He actually got out this morning! I went to look for him and the ball was back there, the lid was off, and no Popcorn! The little villain! I opened the bottom drawer to see if maybe he squeezed in there, and M saw him under the drawer! So I slowly closed it and out he ran. We gave him a tiny slice of apple, and he seemed to like that. He's just so cute! When I figure out how to put pictures up, I'll post one of him.

In the meantime, we're gonna go and register for the swim club at the hotel near the house, then M's friend is coming over later and they'll game to their heart's content, while I put in an appearance at my folks'. I have a bag of stuff I keep meaning to bring back to them and keep forgetting about. I will do it this time. I promise! ^_^


Moueska said...

I think the person you should ask about going off any sort of perscription, should be an MD, like your FIL. And by that I mean, consider getting a second opinion about the perscription. Ask if there have been other people that have had problems when their muscles were no longer painful- or if they needed to get away from it.

Popcorn sounds so cuuuuuuute!

Jess said...

When you put him in the run-around, put some masking tape on the lid, like so: =()= to tape it down and keep it from popping off. Chipper used to do that all the time by running into something hard quickly, and almost got eaten by a cat once. The other thing you can try is using a flat rubber band, like they use for mail bundles, but that might catch on some surfaces. Give 'em both a whirl and see what works best.