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24 August 2006


Well, the clinic called today with the results of Mira's blood tests, and everything that is supposed to be high is low, while everything that's supposed to be low is high. The first things we need to take care of are his pain and our sleep schedule, then we'll work on everything else.

I got to meet my grand-niece on Sunday, and she is so cute! She's a little thing, with big eyes. We're going to visit with their family next Sunday and go to church with them.

I decided to see if our library had a copy of "Phantom" by Susan Kay, which they didn't, but another branch did! I picked it up yesterday and got to over halfway through it this morning. So far it's really good. Sad, but I think it's needed to see why he was the way he was. I'll do a review when I'm done with it, which will probably be Friday night or so, depending on how much time I set aside each day to read it.

I've been working 1-6 for a couple weeks, which has been kinda nice. I get there at naptime, so I read a book until they wake up (I'm reading "Pyramids" by Terry Pratchett, another good book; I'd read "Phantom" at work, but it's a big book and won't fit in my purse very well), then go next door just in time for snack. I also noticed that I got a raise (a whole whopping 50¢) in July. Woo!

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