New babies!
Mira picked me up from work yesterday, and we went to Petsmart to look at hammies. At first we saw a couple cute hammies; one even looked like Popcorn. But after a while,we started wondering whether or not we should get gerbils. The pros of hamsters and gerbils were tied, but one thing made me wonder. When we'd let Popcorn run around, he was kinda quick, but we could always catch him before we got too far. I noticed that the gerbils were very quick, and wondered if it would be harder to catch them if they were let out. So we got two hammies.
The first one we knew we wanted was a little gray one, and we decided to name him Soot. The other one is white, and we had a hard time trying to come up with a name for him, and we wanted to give him a name based on his personality. Well, he's very energetic, but a bit clumsy, so we named him Pinky. ^_^ We picked them from the same cage at the store, thinking they'd get along. They did okay last night, but we noticed that they did get into tiffs, but it didn't look serious, so we figured maybe they were playing.
Fast forward to this afternoon. I'm on the computer, checking the sites on my favorites list and waiting for Mira to get up (we were up pretty late), when I hear this squeaking coming from the tank. They were fighting again! I'd seperate them, and they'd be okay for a while, but then one would bump into the other and they'd start up again! I eventually gave them each a pellet, and they've been preocupied ever since. I'm wondering if we'll have to seperate them somehow. I'll have to talk it over with hubby.
Anyway, here they are. We'll wait and see how this pans out.
You'll probably have to separate them eventually. Hammies do not get along once they become possessive of their space, and if you wanted to keep them together you'd need a cage roughly the size of my room. I had Chipper and Munchkin in the same cage for about a month before they started fighting every second, so I had to put Chipper in a birdcage til I got a second tank. Keep an eye on them for now.
I agree with Jess. Hammies are very unsociable.
Now, if you wanted to get fuzzys that get along in the same cage, you should have gotten ratties. *grinz*
I'm trying to convert everyone into rattie lovers.
Oh, and I forgot to add that the hammies are freakin adorable!
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