Product and Book Reviews!
Just for fun, let's do some reviews.
Product reviews
First up: Veet Rasera. When I first tried it out, I hadn't shaved in almost two weeks, so my leg hairs were about 1/4 inch long (I know: eew). I bought the Aloe scented one, and it didn't smell too bad, but not too good either. Mira thinks he's allergic to one or more of the ingredients because when I was near him with it on my legs, his throat got tight and he had a horrible headache. I kept it on for the alloted 3 minutes and tested it, but I didn't see a lot of hair gone, so kept it on for the limit of 6 minutes. A lot of hair came off, but there were a couple spots where it didn't do too much.
I showered afterwards, but didn't want to use my loofah with body wash on my legs just in case there was irritation, so I put a little in my hands and rubbed it on my legs and rinsed. In the process I noticed that some of the longer hairs would break off close to the skin. My legs felt like I had shaved two days beforehand. After using the loofah and body wash on my legs the next night, I noticed that more hairs were whittled down. I tried it on my armpits and legs again a week later, but it didn't help much.
It did better than any Nair product I have ever used, but it was like I had shaved regularly, except there was no smoothness after I used the Veet versus a regular razor. It might be good for others, but it wasn't for me.
Next up: Sally Hansen Nail Prisms nail polish (in Purple Diamond). I love this stuff! The color looks great, and I love the prism effect. It almost makes the polish look like it has texture, like a velvety shirt. At least, that's the first thing that came to my mind when I put it on. What amazed me is that after a week, it had only receded near the tips of my nails a bit. No chipping or anything! With just about any other polish I wear, I'm putting on a different color or reapplying after a couple days. I thought it was great, considering I had also washed my hands a lot at work (lots of diapers changed). I really recommend this polish.
Now for the book reviews.
Both books are by Dan Brown. I actually read The Da Vinci Code first. I had read the SparkNotes version, and I liked it enough that I would read it if somebody let me borrow it. So I borrowed the illustrated version from my mom a couple weeks ago, and read it in roughly two days.
I don't know why some people are up in arms about it. I thought it was very good. Good characters, good plot, and it was nice to see the places that he talked about and the different paintings and other forms of art that fill the pages. It beat having to look them up online.
The theories were very intriguing, and you learn something new along the way. I won't say much, since I don't want to slip and spoil anything for those who haven't read it yet. All I can say is I liked this book, and I recommend it.
I also finished reading Angels & Demons in a few days, reading on and off from Saturday until Monday. This book first introduces Robert Langdon, the main character in both TDVC and A&D. This was alsoan illustrated edition that I borrowed from my mom.
Dan Brown knows how to keep you turning pages: by using short chapters with a tidbit at the end, then a longer chapter that explains the tidbit. But even the longer chapters dangle a carrot in front of you and you can't help but keep reading. I was very impressed with everything. Again, I won't say too much for fear of spoiling it for somebody else. Let's just say that it's intriguing, and a good read. I recommend it very much.
Happy trying and reading!
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