I misses my babies!
Since we have a couple gals on vacation, all this week I've been down the hall instead of where I usually work, and will be there tomorrow and Monday, too. That means that I have been with the 1 - 1 1/2 year olds instead of the 6 week - 8 month olds. It's a change of pace, but I miss my babies.
I've also been asked during this time to get there an hour early, so I've been working 3-6 instead of 4-6. I get there during snack time and help them eat and clean up. We also play with them, then lather them up with sunscreen so they can go outside for a while. The gal that works there leaves at 4:30, so I get an hour and a half (sometimes less than that) with them until their parents come to pick them up. We've been spending that time inside with toys a while, then I've been taking them on a ride down the halls in our bye-bye buggy at about 5:00 or so. They love it and it gives them a chance to get out of the room again.
I realized the other day that my "expertise" with children goes from 6 weeks to four years. At work, I've spent time with the 6 week to one year and a half olds. At church, I'm currently in the Nursery, which goes from 18 months to three years, and I've also done the three to four year old class in the past. I think I'll do okay for a while when we start our own family, at least from six weeks to four years. ^_^ Before and after that, I'll be on my own.
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