Got my future-Mother's Day gift!
Phantom of the Opera on DVD, of course. ^_^ I was happy to get it, even though I knew what it would be. I can't wait to watch it.
Hitchhiker was good. I loved the bits that those who have seen the miniseries would understand. There's a rumor that there might be another four installments, each following the other four books. That'd be neat. I really was looking forward to seeing Milliway's on the big screen, though. Now I have Corpse Bride and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe to look forward to. Yay!
We found a millipede last night and decided to see if Popcorn would eat it. He did. He also enjoyed a taste of freedom a few minutes ago: we took him outside to let him run around a bit. Needless to say, he loved it. But he kept running out into the street, so we brought out his ball and let him run in that outside as well. He wasn't too happy, but he did enjoy being a free man... er, hamster. He got really hyper, and would jump out of our hands to get away. He fell a foot from my hand to the sidewalk, but he's not broken, so I'm happy. He also tried burrowing in the grass, but he didn't get too far. He probably tired himself out. But boy was he glad to get out and breathe some fresh spring air.
I swear, hampster's are made of rubber. Remember Teeny? He must have fallen at least half a dozen times (most of the time hitting something on his way down) and he lived till the ripe old age of three and a half.
Hammies bounce. You could get a cardboard box and cut out the top and bottom to keep him in a certain space without keeping him off the grass.
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