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25 April 2005

"If you're going to survive out there...

you've really got to know where your towel is." If you know the origins of this quote, then you know to what movie it refers that flies its way into theatres this weekend. Yes fellow hitchhikers, Douglas Adams' best selling "radio series, ... record album, ... novel, ... television series, ... computer game, ... stage show, ... comic book and ... towel (see its page of trivia on IMDb)" is being made into a movie. The trailers I have seen are awesome, and I'm very excited to see it.
I'll be going on Saturday with family and friends, we will all have our towels, and my father may or may not dress up in his bathrobe. Here's hoping it doesn't suck! ^_^


Eddie said...

It looks pretty good from the trailers I've seen... From what I've read they went through many different iterations before they settled on the script for the finished product. So, here's hoping!

Jess said...

Ooh, ooh, what time? My towel and I want to go with you guys!