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15 February 2005

Why am I so lazy?

It's just me, Kati and Von now. We are now the only ones, out of all of my friends, who do not yet have our driver's licenses. And I have a feeling that they'll probably get theirs before I get mine. I talked my friend Mel this evening, and she just received hers recently. Her boyfriend's mom is going to buy a new car soon, so she'll buy her old car. I don't know why I'm not practicing. I mean, Phil has Fridays off and is teaching me for free, so it's not like I have to pay, and we'll switch cars when I get my license, so I don't need to worry about that. I know I could have him leave his car and have him take ours to work so I can practice with Mira or Milly, but I feel more comfortable driving with Phil. He's very calm and makes it a bit easier to concentrate. (Somebody tell me to get over it! I won't guarantee it will work, though.) So why am I so lazy? I'll admit, driving still kinda freaks me out a bit. I've driven the highway maybe four times, and regular street driving isn't too bad. I can kinda imagine myself driving alone, but I'm still apprehensive. I know, I know, "So start practicing again!" Ok, ok. I will. Sheesh. ^_^

1 comment:

Von said...

I don't know about that... Since my last lesson when Drew yelled at me I'm to nervious to get behind the wheel. Plus, the new car is a stick shift... and I was learning on an automatic... fun.