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05 February 2005

Phantom reflections...

I saw Phantom of the Opera again on Thursday night with my mom, Lar, and even JR! He was interested, so came along with us. He didn't like the ending, but was pretty interested in the rest of the movie.
I love Miranda Richardson (Madame Giry) in this movie! She doesn't have a spectacular role, but I love her hair in the beginning of the movie (that intricate braid is so pretty!) and she has a terrific accent! She pulls it off pretty well. Jennifer Ellison (Meg Giry) has a cute voice. She kinda reminds me of somebody, but I'm not sure who.
My husband will always be the most attractive in the world man to me. But Gerard Butler came pretty close! When he pulls Emmy through the mirror and leads her down to his lair, the way the shadows and the firelight play on his face and... and... Well anyway, that was kinda sexy. I wouldn't mind reenacting that with Mira. ^_^
And I hope they start selling the outfit worn by Emmy in the "Music of the Night" scene; that would do wonders for bedroom fantasy outfitters.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on Phantom. I wonder how long it will be before the DVD comes out...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Saw it myself with my son and daughter a few weeks ago. I loved it! Thanks for reading my blog, and for commenting.