Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. ^_^
I just saw my high school marching band on TV! They were in the St. Louis Thanksgiving Day Parade (formerly the Mid-America Holiday Parade), sponsored by Christmas in St. Louis. The drum cadence sounded a bit different; they kept the part before the band plays though, so that was good to hear. And, as previously stated, they have new uniforms. Black and green instead of white and yellow. New hats, too! They looked really great. They were in step, their parallels and diagonals were awesome, and they *snapped* when they were supposed to. I hope they win some awards this year... The announcers called them, "one of the best street marching bands" and remarked that, "they have won hundreds of awards", which is pretty true.
I just wish Mr. S was still there. I'm sure Mr. Mooney is doing a good job, but I miss S! Wherever he is, I wish him well.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
The Infamous T
Darnit! I slept in and missed almost all of the parade. I only got to see the very end. :( I wish I could have seen the band! ~Breka
I wish I could have seen it. As I live in Cape, I couldn't see it and of course as Adam was at work, and Dad and Gram were here with me, they didn't get to see it either. Sadness. I agree though, I hope Mr.S got to see it. I suspect that he would have been thrilled.
Just curious, did the hat look western or was it the upright sort. Also were the banner carriers in the same uniform, or the flag's uniform?
I believe the flag girls had the same uniform (black with that green flame-lookin' thingy), but I don't remember what the flag carriers looked like. It might have been the same. The hats were different, but I don't remember exactly how. I guess I was too happy that I was seeing the band and not paying attention.
Bad news. They didn't win any awards! So sad... I miss the old days, when we dominated those things! Sheesh...
I can't really say that Bayless really dominated the Christmas parade any of the years we were in it. I know the first year they ever did it they got second (only losing the Fort Zumwalt South, who was really good competition to be honest), but the following year they changed the rules to do those silly half-times shows of a sort (I guess they didn't like little 'ol Bayless winning awards for a "parade" competition), and we didn't know it at first. The following year they changed it back (the second year I was in it) but we didn't even place (neither did Fort Zumwalt South) and nearly everyone was upset (the bands that placed did not do well in the line-up as upposed to both Bayless and Fort Zumwalt South) and considered the compeition jury-rigged. No one was happy about it. I remember the drum Major at the time (or was that Mr. S?) went up to the Fort Zumwalt drum majors (or their director, I forgot which) and said that she (or if it was Mr. S "he") thought that they should have placed and the drum majors (director) replied in kind. I have to say that the first year, a lot of the people in the Bayless band were considering them our rivals for that competition (as they never competed against us at the Marching festivals because they had a different number of members/students in the school). After that I considered them friendly rival. I will never forget that good sportsmanship.
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