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10 September 2004

D'ow! (On Musicmatch Radio:I Don't Wanna Know - Mario Skeeter Winans)

I've been in pain for a few days now. My bottom right wisdom tooth (#32, third molar) has been pushing itself up through my gums, but I haven't had any pain until earlier this week when I really noticed how much it had grown. I think my jaw is too small, and I'll have to have it removed. It helps to live with a dentist. I 'm going to see him tomorrow at the office, where he can use his equipment to make a better judgement.
All I know is that it hurts, especially after I wake up. I can't chew on the right side, and I have to be careful when I brush my teeth. On a few occasions, I've taken Gly-Oxide (which really helps get rid of canker sores) and put a drop on the tooth and the area around it. Remember as a kid when you'd mix vinegar and baking soda, and it foamed up real fast, kinda like a volcano? That's what it's like. Lots of germs in there. My FIL's got me taking amoxicillin a couple times a day to fight bacteria, and I'm taking aspirin to dull the pain. I might have the procedure done tomorrow, I might have it done sometime next week. We'll have to wait and see. I hope this doesn't interfere with my voice class...

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