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10 August 2004

Movie Excitement!

I am so excited to see this rolling along! If anybody has not heard about the remake of C.S. Lewis's children's classic The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, you've been missing out! In 1988, film versions of four of the Chronicles of Narnia were turned into TV movies, the kind you see on PBS. The remake of the first movie is due out in 2005. Feel free to browse the two links below!
The Official Website

Guess what we bought! I've been waiting for this! Garfield and Friends, Volume 1 @ Wal*Mart for $25!
24 episodes of Garfield/US Acres goodness on three discs! And more are coming soon! A d'yay! D'woo! ^_^ (OK, composing myself...)

Also, there has been a death in Hollywood. Fay Wray, the legendary damsel in distress, famous for her role as Ann Darrow in screen classic King Kong, has passed away at the ripe old age of 96. Condolences to her family at this time.

1 comment:

Athene said...

It's about time! I've been thinking that there should have been a movie bersion of this for a long time running. Now it'll actually happen! I did notice that no one is listed as Mr. Centaur or Mr. (Or in the case of the version I was in Ms.) Unicorn. I hope that they at least have a few lines with the Beavbers...although I noticedthat Mr. Beaveri s not mentioned either. :(