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23 August 2004


Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a while.
First off, my classes start tomorrow for me, and one of them is writing intensive. Speaking of which, I need to find my backpack... Sheesh.
The other reason is pretty major. Our computers are all screwed up! Mira thought his video card was busted, so he used mine and I used an older one. Well, that wasn't the problem so we switched back. Then we both started having trouble with the drivers! That, and he thinks he might need either another motherboard for his, or to replace the computer and casing entirely! Our computers will work for just a little bit, then the screen fuzzes up or something equally aggravating happens. We plan on reformatting later today to see if that helps.
So if you don't see me on messenger or see any posts for a while, you have an idea why.

1 comment:

Moueska said...

Damn. Sorry, kiddo.