I didn't go to my history final on Thursday. I ended up with a B anyway, so I count that as a good job. Friday we went to Radio Shack to get a new phone for M's mom. We got a nice one that came with an additional cordless that we have in our bedroom. We have it set to play Beethoven's Ninth (Ode to Joy) when it rings. "Soooo good!" Saturday, we didn't find anything we wanted at Pevely, so we checked out another inside flea market/antique store (Kohler or something like that), and didn't see anything we wanted there, either. So we went to a pet store near us that's going out of business and found a bunch of stuff for the new aquarium. Well, M did, I took a nap in the car because I was tired, as we went to sleep the night before at about two and woke up about seven in the morning.
Anyway, M's back and neck were really sore Sunday, so he didn't have to play the organ. We had to take in another class because their teacher had to work, so there were eight others plus one of ours. Yikes! Nine kids is way too much for us to handle. And there was only one girl, poor thing, with eight boys. After church, we went to a friend of M's for a BBQ. He's leaving today to see his fianceƩ in Oregon, and he'll be staying with her parents while she stays with a friend for two months until they get married there. They're coming back here in late July for a small reception. Good luck you guys!
The addition is coming along nicely. Cabinets are being put in the new room upstairs, and Friday one of my BIL's came to help my FIL set up an exercise machine in the new room downstairs. We're moving some stuff around and hopefully we'll have everything done by the end of the month. That's all the exciting news here. I get to pick up my bridesmaid dress this Friday and I'm looking forward to Lar's wedding in less than a month! Hard to believe it's almost here. She's having a bridal shower this Saturday that she briefly mentioned in passing to me, so I'll have to call mom and get the details. Wedding excitement!
By the by, Jess brought this up in a comment on my last post. She says, "...why won't your comment thingy let me put my name and stuff up at the top?" I think it's kinda like Open Diary, in that you have to be a member to have all that done. I know when I want to post a comment, I have to sign in to Blogger. Until I can figure out how to use a diiferent comment system, I'll just use this. They switched on the new templates to xml from html, and I have no clue as to what I'm doing. Moueska, if you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. (Thanks in advance!)
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