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09 May 2004

Hell Week!

Well kiddies, it's that time again! It's finals week! My algebra final is Tuesday, so I'll be studying like mad tomorrow, and I have a history final on Thursday, so more cramming on Wednesday. No more for me after 1:00 p.m. this Thursday! Summer vacation is almost here!

I was surprised to sign in and see that my blog hosting site has changed things around. Have you noticed that, Athene and Moueska? I think it's pretty neat.

Today was Mother's Day. In church, they gave all the women over 18 some flowers (impatients) and a huge chocolate bar with almonds that was absolutely wonderful. I got my mom the The Moody Blues Days of Future Past CD. She has the record, if that tells ya anything. She really seemed to like it. She gave me a cute lavendar pajama set. We went to see her snd the family today and had dinner with them. They did filet mignon on the grill with some sides. Book finally walked for me today, even walked right up to me! She's so cute. I also got to see the cute little kitten that Lar got the other day. She named her Gypsy, and she's a grey and white stripped tabby. Absolutely adorable! M even wanted to hold her before we left. "Alright," he said, "lemme see the kitten. I'll wash my hands." (He's allergic.) When we got home, one of my BIL's and his family was over visiting with my in-laws. They told us about the wedding stuff for their oldest son. Their middle child is graduating from high school soon, as are another nephew and one neice.

That's probably all the blogging I can do for now, but I'll post up more Thursday afternoon. Wish me luck in my finals! And good luck to everybody else!


T said...

I'm checking this out. Now Blogger has a comment program "built into" it, and I was having trouble trying to get my comment service to work (now xml instead of html), so I'll try this for a while and see how it goes. I think I can just copy and paste my old blog template to get my old comments back (I made a copy of the old template), but we'll see.

Moueska said...

Yay, Yay, Yay! Is this not the cuddliest blogging system ever? Think of Tripod, then think of this. Yes? Yes!

T said...

I totally agree! I'm so glad I switched!