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18 March 2004

Hello again...

Hello all! Just letting you all know that I'm still around.

Just a few updates. My honey has decided to drop his current major (Programmer) and go into art instead. I fully support him in this. He's been having back problems that have been getting worse. The programming degree was taxing, and he has had no joy in his work. He likes to use computers, but the programming degree was quite literally debilitating him. He's going to do something he wants to do now, and that's art. He saw his chiro Tuesday, and he's going back twice next week to have tests done and to see the results. Our chiro's a good friend of the family, and we're so glad he's been able to help. Anytime someone has asked him what his major is, he's basically said, "My major is in programming, but I'd rather be in art." He picked programming because he figured it would bring him more money in the future. He was doing fine during Spring Break, but he was in excruciating pain by Monday. From what his mom said (she had to take him because he could not do anything without lots of pain), the difference between him walking into the chiro's office and walking out was as different as night and day. I'm so glad he's doing so much better.

I'm fine, though. I've had a slightly sore throat since yesterday, but that's about it. I'm so excited! I'm going with Lar, Von, and the other bridesmaids for a facial/makeover on Tuesday. My history teacher gave my group until Tuesday to do our presentation, which was supposed to be done today. The other group consisted of one guy who didn't have his presentation. But I'm not complaining! We had to say that the stock-market crash was not the major cause of the Great Depression (which it wasn't, there were a few other factors as well).

Unfortunately, our phone is down at the house. We called up the repair line on my cell, and they said it should be better by tomorrow around 4 p.m. (Thank goodness for the cable connection!) They knocked out a doorway in the basement wall for the new room while I was in class. They should be able to continue working on the house Monday.

We're having papa a la huancaína for dinner tonight. It's a dish from Peru, made with potatoes and a sort of cheese sauce on lettuce, surrounded by hard-boiled eggs and black olives. This was one of my husband's favorite dishes in Peru. Sounds good!


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