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05 February 2004

Half day!

We had a half day today because of the impending weather. All STLCC campuses closed at 12:30 today. I got to miss my history class. ^_^ We had gotten out of my math class half an hour early, so that left me with 45 minutes to kill. The class that meets before mine was cancelled, so I went in to sit down. About five minutes later, a lady opens the door and asks if I'm waiting for a class. Mine started at 12:30, and I told her that. Then she says that the campus was closing at 12:30, so I could go home. That made my day! So we got home an hour and a half early.

A few updates. JR was sworn in as a member of the National Guard late last month. Congrats to him! He leaves in early June for bootcamp. Also, in talking to a friend of Ryan's (the guy I dated before I met my husband), I found out that he will be going to Afghanistan in March and will be there until June of next year. Good luck, Ry!

Lar's Maid of Honor and bridesmaids have the greatest dresses! The bridesmaids will be in the peri, and Von will be in navy. I'd put up Lar's dress, but there's the whole "The groom shouldn't see the bride in her dress until the wedding" bit. True, he probably wouldn't be caught dead reading his future SIL's blog, but you never know.

Anyway, I have homework to do. But first, a nap. I found out that one of the cartoon channels shows Garfield and Friends at two a.m. Wooo!

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