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22 December 2003

That's the Jingle Bell Rock!

Wednesday night, Santa's going to come out of hiding to give presents to all the good kids in the world. But then he's going to pass me over, so I'll just have to get presents from everybody else. : )

I've been thinking the past few days (and boy does my brain hurt) about all the different versions of Charles Dicken's holiday classic "A Christmas Carol". IMDb has a list of about 41 different versions listed under the title "A Christmas Carol", and a couple more handfuls of movies with Scrooge in the name. According to my dad, it has to be one of, if not the, most plagiarized British literary works. And quite frankly, I have to agree with him. Along with this, I realized that I have seen seven different versions. Well, if you count one of them, anyway:
Scrooge (1970) with Albert Finney (The musical one)
Scrooged with Bill Murray
Mickey's Christmas Carol
The Muppets Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol (1984) with George C. Scott
Animaniacs Christmas Carol
Simpson's Christmas Carol

I know, I know, The Simpsons have not yet done "A Christmas Carol". Yet. My dad wrote a script for it, and did a pretty good job, if you ask me. I got to read it and play editor. :) I would love to see it on the small screen, but my imagination's pretty good, so that's why I counted it.

My favorite would probably have to be the George C. Scott version. Let's face it, he's the best Scrooge and that's that. :) No, I have not seen the Patrick Stewart version. If somebody's seen both of these versions and thinks Stewart did better, by all means let me know! If somebody can outshine Scott, then roll out the red carpet and let him stroll.

As we draw nearer to Christmas, I think to myself, "All I want for Christmas is two more weeks". But since I don't have the capability, then I better get my happy butt out there and shop some more. "Look out, I still got gifts to buy!"

"I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we've learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest."

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