Feelin' extra-crispyI went to the annual family reunion on my grandma's side of the family (dad's mom), and spent too much time by the river, resulting in some very irritated shoulders and slightly less irritated arms, chest, shins, ears and back. Work today will not be fun. I've been slathered with aloe vera gel since Saturday afternoon, which I wouldn't need if I'd been smart enough to slather on some sunscreen before I went (novel concept). But I didn't think about it, and I didn't think I'd be there long enough to get pink.
What's funny is that you wouldn't have noticed I was burned by looking at my face; my nose is slightly pink, but you'd think I was blushing. Then I stayed home from church yesterday because something I ate didn't agree with me. So I've been in a long-sleeved polyester/lycra-spandex dance shirt and yoga pants since Saturday night since it's light and breathable and covers pretty much all of the burned areas. I've also had to wear a bun so my hair doesn't get in the goop when I baste myself in aloe, which I should probably do again soon. That oughta learn me...
But it hasn't been all bad lately. We switched our offices last Monday, so now his computer is in the bedroom and mine is in the living room. It's nice, since I can go and be on my computer in the living room and not have to wait for him to wake up to use it, which is especially good for laundry day (Monday). And work hasn't been too bad, but not always that great. We only have four babies (Moe, Webby, Tweety, and Strawberry), which isn't too bad. At one point we had five, but the youngest one (at the time, a 6 week old girl named Iris) was only there a few weeks while her dad was working as a teacher. But he has the summer off, so she'll be back in August when school starts up again.
It's nice to have so few babies, but at the same time, they have a tendency to leave early sometimes. On Friday, I had two by myself, and they were gone by 5:00, so I needed something to do for an hour! (I only work two hours a day.) So I took my time closing up my room then helped the gal next door with her last two, and we were out by 5:40, so she took me home. Since Mira and his friend from high school hang out on Tuesdays, I've been hanging out with her on Tuesdays too. I know her from church, and I teach her daughter in the 18 month to 2 year old class there.
Anyway, that's been my excitement for a while. Hopefully things don't go too bad with this burn at work today. The last thing I need is to pick up a baby and have him or her thump on my tender shoulders.