I went to the RF on Saturday and had a blast! I thought it was just going to be a bunch of us girls with my mom, but my dad and brothers ended up going, so it was my whole family, JR, Book, Jess, and Von. It was $9 for students, and since we all had coupons, Jess and I each paid $7. And they didn't even ask for our ID's. ^_^
Lar, Book, Von, Jess, and I separated from my family and we ended up going our own way. We saw a cute Punch and Judy show while resting our tired feet, had some lunch, saw some jousting, and had a grand time looking at the clothes and jewelry.

I even bought a dress that I just had to get! This is my biggest splurge for a while. ^_^

I called Mira and asked him if he wanted me to get him anything, but he wasn't too interested. But just about everybody bought something. Jess bought a pretty silver rose ring, Book got a cute fairy skirt, and Von bought a hair wreath that looked cute on her and one sexy stiletto dagger. My dad bought a whip and a dagger, Whiteshark got the same dagger (if you've seen Spider Man 2, then Harry Osborn has the same one near the end of the movie), Polar Bear got a sword, and mom bought a maroon dress that looked great on her. Jess took a picture of me and my mom in our dresses.
So now I have a costume if I need one, and something to wear to next year's Faire. I can't wait!